Friday, June 18, 2010

The Final Word on Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

I read yet another review of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith today, this time by Mark Steyn.  It was accurate if not a little too easy for Steyn.  Anyone can write a poor review of the Star Wars prequels.  The fact that Lucas screwed them up beyond repair is as obvious as the sun is bright.  Pointing it out as if no one saw it borders on gratuitous cruelty.  It does not prove how smart you are.

In fact, Steyn says that his friends wept with laughter during the movie.  Can I be skeptical of the great Mark Steyn?  Parts of that movie were defiantly deserving of scorn.  The kind of open mockery that Steyn claims to have witnessed however would have landed his friends in a hospital.  I wonder how much they would like Star Wars after having a plastic light-saber surgically removed from their rectum.  Not that I would participate in something like that.  I'm just saying, its the one thing Steyn exagerated in his otherwise passable review.  The shows I saw had a colourful audience.  Too much even for me.

I am a Star Wars fan.  I always have been, and I always will be.  Not the sort to dress up.  Not even at Halloween.  That is a level of geek I laugh at myself, along with the Avatards and gay Trekkie uniforms.  I just like the universe.

So Revenge of The Sith was a bad movie.  So what?  I'm over it.  It also has the best space action sequence in all of movie history.  Can you name a film that had a better space battle than Revenge of The Sith?  No.  Its the best. 

I give this movie half a star and five out of five exploding spaceships.  Exploding spaceships really make the great movie for me.  In fact this movie was more of an extended cut-scene to some really great video games.

So go ahead, bash the prequels like its some extraordinary feat of intelligence.  The common poor review doesn't even come close to the critical examination only real fans could give.  We Star Wars fans hate the prequels as much as we love them.   When Lucas dies we'll set things right  Until then there are plenty of other distractions like Halo or Eve to keep us entertained.


Anonymous said...

Actually, Sith is by no mean a bad movie. It is easily the best Star Wars film loaded with clever political subtext. I too am a "rightie" but I also have a background in film. Remember, Steyn is a great political commentator but he is no film critic. Too many right wing film enthusiasts look to right wing columnists for film insights when they should read proper critics...even left wing ones. Armond White is a great critic, as is even hard core leftie Jeff Wells. Ebert has gone of the rails of late...but he knows film. John Nolte of Big Holywood is also good.

Unknown said...

Actually Anon Its my favorite one too. I like the political parts as well. The tale of Darth Plagius as told by Palpatine was great. In fact a great deal of Roman history reads to me like some kind of tales from the Sith.

tao_taier said...

Ahh yes... the prequals, where even the lead actors act like overexposed extras while the extras act like wannabe leads.

Lucus destroyed all my childhood memories thanks to the prequels.

Empire Strikes Back was the best and he barely directed it. Hence why.

The dialog for the prequel movies were too childish and brutal even the "half-decent" actors made fools of themselves in their on screen performances.

Lucas geared to much of his prequel franchise to children. I first watched the 2nd and 3rd prequel movies drunk and STILL heated them.

No booze could drown out the horrible acting or crappy gawd-awful scenes like the 50's like space diner from clone wars...

Guess its not such a far-far away galaxy after all? That alone with the ruination of Boba Fett's character* unofficially** turned me off of starwars.

*by means of a boy yelling "get him! get him! pew pew pew!" like someone raised off cartoons... only... since when is there cartoon watching children in starwars?

I cringed through the entire movie. And the war scenes were pretty bland and superficial while anti-climatic in all the wrong ways.

** I tried really hard to use the pen & paper roll playing game to reassure my nostalgia and bring back the better parts of the "universe" out in my head. Only, it was impossible to excuse since their were plenty of errors in the pen & paper games as well that required great leaps of imagination to over come.
And too many gaps of information on how exactly any of the technology actually worked since everything seemed so half-baked to begin with.

Contrast that with things like star trek which go to painstaking technical detail to "scientifically" explain itself.

And why the hell in the prequel movies all the weapons were suddenly rapid-fire-spamfests rather than how they where in the original movies were they were harder hitting but more "graceful" from shot to shot.

I'll stop there as I dare not expose the inner "nerd" in me any further than I already have.

tao_taier said...

Watched "strikes back" again with my wife the other night... I stand by what I said about how the blasters work. I feel reaffirmed and vindicated after seeing it again.

Only blaster weapon that spamed was one of the Falcon's weapons against the snow troopers prepping their own weaponry at them.

Which was both fine and cool.

Losses its effect when all weapons spam their crap all over.

Oh, I did manage to find a list of weapons and such.

Stumbled on this:

for more on that site.

I'm not interested since I got a baby on the way. Can't commit myself to something like that no matter what the inner nerd says.

Apparently theres a WookieePedia site.

That may have the info I'm looking for into how some stuff works...

I'll still refuse to acknowledge the prequels for the most part...

Unknown said...

hey Tao.
Star Trek does try to do back flips to explain itself and that is the biggest problem with it. The thing about Star Wars is that there is an element of evil in it. The universe isn't neat and tidy. There is no phoney Starfleet utopia. The Star Wars universe is broken because the people in it are broken and its the struggle for good that makes Star Wars 100 times more real than Star Trek can ever be.

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